18. Be a Giver, not a Taker

18. Be a Giver, not a Taker

🔸Ramadan Resolution 18🔸

Be generous & compassionate.

‘BE A GIVER, not a Taker’

Help those in need by volunteering your time, money, or energy.

“The upper hand is better than the lower hand; the upper hand is that which gives and the lower hand is that which asks.” [Sunan Nasa’i] 

Live a meaningful life.

Do more!

Share, Donate, Pledge.

Help others with random acts of kindness.

And when you become a GIVER, become one for the sake of Allah (SWT) alone;  do not expect a return from people – not even praise, not even thanks, not even a dua – preserve your reward with Allah (SWT) In Shā Allāh and never ever risk losing it by making the other feel inferior.

Just be a GIVER!