Beautify Your Character l Ramadan Day 2 πŸŒ™

Beautify Your Character l Ramadan Day 2 πŸŒ™

Beautify Your Character l Justice | Ramadan Day 2

Beautify Your Character l Ramadan Day 2 πŸŒ™

Any type of injustice will be like darkness on the Day of Judgment – so we need to watch out – ensuring that we do not become agents of oppression, traumatizing people, or harming them financially, emotionally or physically.

Let us be mindful of our words, tone and gestures. Are we speaking with kindness and sincerity,Β  or are our words weapons of mass destruction – fueled by taunts, rebukes and malice? Are our hands extending to support the oppressed or are they the catalyst of oppression?

Let us strive, now and always, to be on the side of justice, for on the Day of Judgment, it will be our beacon of light in the darkness insha’Allah.