CBR Admissions List of Selected Students 2023
Qualification & Skills:
Assalāmu `alaikum,
Heartiest congratulations to the successful candidates of Junior Montessori from the CBR Campus, Islamabad on their selection for Admissions 2023 to AlHuda International School.
🔻 Click here for list of selected candidates: https://bit.ly/cbr-selectedlist
🔻Parents/guardians of accepted candidates are requested to check their emails for further details
🔻Please note that timely fee submission will ensure a candidate’s seat in class. Failure to do so, will result in allocating that seat to another child
We would love to enroll each child whose family shows interest in the school, however, due to limited seats we are unable to accommodate everyone. At AIS, we administer a thorough and fair process to shortlist a pool of families for admission. We are trying our best to accommodate more and more students each year. Our committed team is working diligently to open new campuses in various cities.
May Allah (SWT) shower us with His never-ending blessings and grant us the strength and resources to serve and uplift communities all across the nation. May He continue to guide us on the path of righteousness and enable us to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us. Ameen.
We value your trust in AIS and look forward to your cooperation as we embark on this journey of educating the next generation, In Shā Allāh.
JazākAllāhu khairan,
AIS Administration
17th April 2023
List of Selected Candidates