Beautify Your Character l Ramadan Day 6 πŸŒ™

Beautify Your Character l Ramadan Day 6 πŸŒ™


Beautify Your Character l Ramadan Day 6 πŸŒ™

Embrace modesty in Ramadan and beyond. Modesty isn’t just about how we dress, but it’s about showing humility, decency, and respect in everything we do and say. It’s for both men and women.


πŸ”Έ Modesty is a key part of faith, leading us closer to Paradise.

πŸ”Έ Avoiding obscenity keeps us away from Allah’s punishment.

For those aiming for Jannah:

 ✨ Prioritise modesty in speech, actions, and behaviour, remembering that Allah (SWT) sees all.

✨ Stay away from indecency, whether it’s foul language, inappropriate content, or disrespectful behaviour.

Choose decency in all aspects of life.