29. Perfectly Imperfect

29. Perfectly Imperfect

🔸Ramadan Resolution 29🔸

The utmost perfection lies only with Allah -The Magnificent!

How society defines perfection is a shallow, materialistic approach.

What is important is an earnest desire, intent and striving for excellence in all that we do. Islam is the perfect Deen; as declared by Allah (S.W.T); it is in following it that we can come towards the standards of perfection set by Allah (S.W.T).

Instead of finding faults in others, let’s work on fixing our own actions.

Let’s emulate the Prophet ﷺ’s akhlaaq into our lives, overlook people’s physical weaknesses and highlight the positives (in faith, manners and deeds).

Instead of exhausting yourself to meet the false criteria of ‘perfect’ set by the dunya- perfect skin, perfect weight, perfect looks, perfect job, perfect bank balance, perfect travel stories etc- think deeper, rise higher. Instead of running after this pretentious world focus on perfecting belief & good deeds.

“We have certainly created man in the best of stature; Then We return him to the lowest of the low, Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they will have a reward uninterrupted.” [Surah At-Tin: 4-6]

An honest repentance & sincere effort; every single time we stumble – backed with dua, is what Allah (SWT) loves.

What a beautiful, perfectly balanced outlook!