Beautify Your Character l Ramadan Day 24 πŸŒ™

Beautify Your Character l Ramadan Day 24 πŸŒ™

24. Affection with Children

Beautify Your Character l Ramadan Day 24 πŸŒ™

Imagine Prophet Muhammad ο·Ί carrying young Hasan bin Ali (RA), praying, “O Allah, I love him, so please love him.” It’s a moment of deep love, teaching us to shower children with affection.
Show love: Embrace them, hold them close, let them know they’re cherished every day.

Pray sincerely: Ask Allah (SWT) to bless your children with love, guidance, and protection.

πŸ’ŽFrom the SunnahπŸ’Ž
Gentle Touch: Prophet Muhammad ο·Ί expressed love for children by kissing and caressing children’s heads.

Playful Interactions: He ο·Ί enjoyed innocent games and races with them.

Respect and Patience: Despite Prophet Muhammad ο·Ί busy life, he ο·Ί always made time for children, treating them with respect and patience.