Meerab Khan
Surah Noor is a Surah that discusses many topics and guides us how to do particular things such as, how to knock on doors, how to follow a leader and also the punishment of those who slander. After studying Surah Noor, I became more conscious of my actions. I was already aware of the command of Allah to knock and seek permission before entering our parents’ room but I did not practice it. During the tafseer of Surah Noor, I was reminded of the importance of knocking and seeking permission. Now I am trying to act upon this command of Allah and I feel it is really changing my life. Also I have become more conscious of slandering which is another word for gossiping. Gossiping is very common nowadays since it is a major part of our conversations. Gossiping has become so common that at times we are even unaware that we are gossiping. Surah Noor helped me start wondering if what I am listening to is gossip or not. These are just some ways Surah Noor helped me change to a better person. I am thankful to the school for choosing this surah for us to study since I really need to be reminded of all the lessons taught in this Surah. Alhamdulillah Katheeran!
Sameen Khan
Surah Noor is a very comprehensive Surah from which I have learnt many valuable lessons. This Surah guides us about many aspects of our lives from the punishment of slandering to how we should live our everyday life as good Muslims. In the beginning of the Surah, Allah tells us how precious women are and why they should be protected. I learnt that to avoid the evils of many acts, we must lower our gaze as the first step. As we go on, the Surah talks about the etiquettes of knocking and the reasons to why we should ask for permission before visiting someone’s house or entering someone house.as simple as it seems. This simple action puts an emphasis on how much we should respect others privacy. These are just some of the beautiful lessons I learnt from this Surah and I would highly recommend everyone to study Surah Noor with its tafseer as it will completely change your perspective on life. JazakaAllahukhairan Katheeran!
Areeba Qaiser
When I sit back to remember the time before coming to Al-Huda I seriously see myself as a very weak Muslim, a Muslim by name. I seriously am not exaggerating. My life before Al-Huda was totally different. If someone comes up and says to the old me that a single gaze could lead to such a big gunnah named “Zina” I will just think of this as a quote from a random scholar just to tell people about the importance of this. But to be honest now I feel superior from the fellows who left Al-Huda with the tagline “OH “no extracurricular activities in here. We cannot waste my college life here.” I also feel sorry for them as they just missed out on a lot. Before studying Surah Noor I literally had no idea that Allah mentions even the etiquettes of knocking doors. Now I understand that when my Tafseer teacher says that the Quran is a complete guide to one’s life, how much she means it. On the weighing scale, one side has conflicts, welcome parties, fashion shows, sports galas, fun fairs. And on the other side we have the surah that changed my life. Yes, Surah Noor. Now when my friends say you missed a lot while staying back in Al-Huda I really feel sorry for them. May Allah guide them. Ameen
Rumaythah Adnan
Assalamualaikum! My name is Rumaythah and I am from AS Level. I would like to start by stating that Quran is a very comprehensive and detailed book and I realized it myself while going through the Tafseer of Surah Noor. So much was stated in just a small number of verses, SubhanAllah! Therefore, I would like to share my reflections on Surah Noor and how it benefited me. Firstly, I learned that modesty is a quality all Muslimahs must adopt. It is a beautiful attribute which not only brings us close to each other as Muslims but also close to Allah himself. Modesty is observed in the posture of your walk, the way we converse with the opposite gender (non mahrams) and so many aspects illuminating its importance. I was extremely inspired by Ayesha (ra) and other women of the time who struck so much importance on modesty and this motivated me to look into my life and struggle even more to attain modesty because not only does it bring you closer to Allah but it also increases your noor(light). I was surprised to learn that Surah Noor talks about basic topics that we to some extent have been taught as children like etiquettes of knocking the doors and while entering a house visiting someone etc. I expected Surah Noor only to talk about light, just light, so I was very surprised. I learned about the rights of people in our lives as well. Saying salaam to them, asking permission before entering their house 3 times and that our parents have the right not to be disturbed before Fajar after Isha, between Zohar and Asr. I realized that the Quran truly addresses every aspect of our lives. Surah Noor narrated the incident of Ifk regarding Aisha (ra) and the hypocrites. It made me realize that in this word you might be blamed, however you should be patient and ask Allah (swt) for help because He will surely help those who are innocent and patient. JazakaAllahukhairan Katheeran!
Dania Tariq
AOA. I am Dania Tariq from AS Level and I am here to reflect upon my journey through Surah Noor. As I studied the first few verses of the Surah I got goosebumps knowing the punishment of fornicators and for the ones who slander chaste women. Everything was mentioned in an explicit manner but even in Allah’s punishment is His mercy. He has set the punishment of eighty lashes to protect the honor of believing women. Although Surah al Noor is full of roles regarding social interactions but more emphasis is on lowering the gaze as the gaze is the prisoner’s arrow of Shaitaan and leads towards many evils. By reducing our sights, we practice self-discipline, word off evil thoughts and attain Noor. Regarding our day to day dealings, I understood the importance of effective use of our words and staying away from using abusive words, cursing and swearing. As Abu Darda reported Prophet(saw) said, when a servant curses something the curses rises to heaven and the gates of heaven close upon it. It turns right and left and if dose not find a place to go it will return to that which was cursed only if it deserved to because otherwise the curse will return upon the one who made it. Then the incident of ifk in which Hazrat Ayesha (ra) was accused and how she remained patient and faithful even when she had no support. This incident portrays the lesson that the worst of situation can become a blessing in disguise and speaking to ones closest is sometimes necessary. One thing that struck was how carelessly we spread indecency for example by sharing indecent names and rumors. We never realize we are also involved in tashiulfahisha. After the incident of ifq when Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra) stopped financial aid to his relative who was also involved in propaganda against his beloved daughter. Allah instead commanded him to forgive. Thus learning that personal grudges must not ever stop us from during what’s right. Lastly when the verses to draw the veils on our heads and chest were revealed, the women of Madina tore their aprons to cover themselves so they hastened to show obedience to Allah’s command without giving any excuse or delay.
Sura Noor Reflections
Sura Noor Reflections