Ramadan with Qur’an 2022 l Juz 30

Ramadan with Qur’an 2022 l Juz 30

🌟 Juz 30: عَمَّ يَتَسَاءَلُونَ

Spend Your Time Wisely!

Sūrah Al-’Asr deserves a great deal of reflection as it outlines a complete way of life from the Islamic perspective. The passing of time mentioned in this Sūrah is evidence that we are losing, because with each second, life is getting shorter and shorter. If we don’t avail these moments, we are actually incurring loss.
⚜️ Imām As-Shāfi’ said, ‘If people reflected on this Sūrah it would be enough for them.’ [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]
Lessons from Sūrah Al ‘Asr:
💎BELIEVE: Strive to learn the truth, believe in it with conviction and live by it.
💎ACT: Do what is right, at all times, at all places.
💎ADVOCATE: Spread the word of Allah ﷻ with wisdom.
💎ENJOIN: Encourage patience.
This Sūrah contains the essence of the Holy Qur’an. We are all in a state of loss unless we take heed.
As Ramadan comes to an end, let’s resolve to stop wasting precious time. Instead, let’s race towards the ultimate success awaiting those who believe and do good deeds, In Shā Allāh!
🔹Question: What is a time waster in your life that you have resolved to limit even after Ramadan?